Women at Work International (WAWI) is a Non Profit Organization registered in Uganda in 2003 with the main purpose of improving the quality life of women through Health and Income Improvement Projects

WAWI was registered by a group of female Uganda artists Halima Namakula, Annette Nandujja, Sophie Gombya, Angela Kalule, and Rachel Senkebejje, as a way of using entertainment to educate women and children to improve their well being.

Over the years WAWI has worked with over Ten (10) reputable international non profitable organizations like TMTF (Trinity Medical Transport Foundation 501c3), Popular Services International (PSI), The British Council, USAID, AFFORD, and UNILEVER, to mention but a few. And the organization has made a great impact on over half a Million Women all over East Africa and also registered over Three Hundred (300) Members, of which One Hundred (100) Members are still active and are “Pay It Forward”.

WAWI’s major areas of focus are; HIV/AIDS awareness, STI/STD referrals, Family Planning, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender based violence, Alcohol and Substance Abuse as well as Economic Development through imparting vocational skills and business marketing and management as alternative income generating activities among women.


To improve the quality of life of women and children, helping them to overcome health issues in order to generate income


To enhance the well-being of women and children through reproductive health facilitation and income improvement

Our Specific Objectives

To create awareness about HIV/AIDS management among the Most At Risk Women
To improve access to health care for women and children.
To enable women improve their income levels.
To enhance the health well-being of women.
Improve the physical and mental health of pregnant and parenting women and their infants.
Assist in reducing infant mortality by decreasing the percentage of per-term births.
To establish strategic partnerships with other development partnerships to facilitate effective implementation of the program.

Our Aims

WAWI works with the Most At Risk Women, the Youths, Widows and Orphans with an aim of improving their quality of life. WAWI's major areas of focus are; HIV/AIDS awareness, diagnosis and treatment through referrals, sexual and reproductive health and economic development among women.
Our aim is to encourage our young women to be responsible through honesty, respect, independence, fairness and commitment. We instill a drive for lifelong learning, while we encourage them to better themselves throughout their lives.








